Behold, the sportswear giant, Reebok, has unveiled their latest chic collection, curated especially for Botafogo's 2024-2025 season. This exquisite range doesn't just stop at a dazzling new home kit. It's an ensemble that also includes pre-match attire, stylish training gear, and a distinctive goalkeeper's shirt.
The Reebok Botafogo de Futebol e Regatas 2024-25 home jersey proudly takes on the title, "Honoring the Past." A zig-zag texture, a nostalgic nod to the material commonly used in the 50s and 60s, adds a dash of retro flair. The shirt's white hue is subtly softened to mirror vintage apparel, giving it that aged grace. The white V-neck collar and cuffs come fashioned with black edges, while the sleeves put on a playful show of stripes with a white upper canvas.

Light grey is the primary shade of the Reebok Botafogo 2024-25 football shirt for the goalkeeper, punctuated by bold black stripes on the sleeves while black takes another spin on the collar. The Reebok and Parimatch emblems hold their ground proudly in white, structured by black outlines, with the Botafogo crest taking a special spot on the side closest to the heart.

Away from the pitch but close to the heart of preparation are the newly introduced Reebok training collection radiating a galactic theme, called 'O Clube da Estrela Solitária' – The Lone Star Club. This is influenced by the Dalva Star which has given guidance to athletes at Remo since 1894. Pre-match attire makes a bold statement in black offset by blue graphics, a respectful nod to Venus, the celestial body that inspires the club's shield. The training uniform bandies about a blend of black, sky blue, and white, a combination honoring wisdom, depth, and purity.

With a blend of deep sapphire and vibrant fluorescent notes, embellished by the team's shield in resplendent official colors, we have an absolute treat in the form of the Botafogo de Futebol e Regatas' home jersey. The crown jewel in this setup is truly the effortless juxtaposition of the colors, heightened by the Reebok emblem and sponsorship details, elegantly executed in pristine white. Commanding attention on the back of the neck is the acronym BFR, standing as a proud testament to a rich legacy.

Have a closer look at all Botafogo kits in our beloved Football Kit Archive. This exquisite piece is a creation by Reebok. So, what's your take on this aesthetic representation of home pride? We're all ears, share your thoughts and sign up to our Newsletter!