Lemme tell you about these new Gladbach kits, yeah? Puma's gone and done a ting, fam. The home one? It's BOLD. White with these two green stripes, boom, boom, like that, see? And black lines on the side, holding it down, you get me? It's different, I'll give them that. Some people, they might be like, "Nah, fam, too much." But me? I rate it. It's saying something.

Now, the away one, that's more chill. Green, classic, innit? They sprinkled a bit of the home design on there, which is cute, keeps it fam. It's calm, you know? Maybe a bit too calm for some, but sometimes you need that quiet fire, yeah?

Overall? Puma didn't come to play, hun. Home kit's loud and proud, away kit's cool and collected. It's a vibe, a whole mood. Let's see if the players bring that same energy on the pitch!